TrainTastic Parties
TrainTastic will always provide a clean, safe, fun environment for your child’s birthday party. Our 3 colorful party rooms give you a totally enclosed, private space to celebrate with your group.
We love to have children visit the museum on their birthday! For the comfort of all visitors, the museum cannot accommodate unscheduled parties on the grounds. Adult supervision is required for all parties. A $100, nonrefundable deposit is required for reservation.
Members of TrainTastic get 10%-20% off their party!
Birthday Packages
Weekend (FRI-SUN 10am & 1pm): $400 Non-Member
Weekday (TUE-THUR 10am & 1pm): $300 Non-Member
After-Hours (TUE-SUN 5pm): $500 Non-Member
All Parties Include:
- 30 People (Adults & Children Total)
- Additional guests are allowed at a fee of $5 per person; maximum number of guests is 45 per birthday party room.
- Private Birthday Room for 2 hours/ 30 minutes set up time. You are allowed to decorate; however, you may ONLY use push pins on the wall. The staff can provide them to you.
- Includes table and chairs for up to 30 people, as well as party room set-up and clean-up.
- All Day Admission for Guests
- Downloadable Party Invitation
Party Rooms
- The Engine Room – Train Themed
- The Create Room – Colorful and fun. Make it your own.
- The Builder Room – Lego room. Use your imagination.
Party Add-ons
The following are add-ins that you may choose to purchase additionally for your birthday party:
- Domino’s Pizza menu and beverages
- TrainTastic exclusively uses Domino’s Pizza and Coca-Cola as the only food & beverage providers for all birthday parties held in our party rooms. No outside food & beverages are allowed other than cake & ice cream. If you have any questions or concerns, contact our party manager at 228-284-5731.
- Party Favor Packs: $125
- A Character, TrainTastic Mascot: $100
- Table Decorations and all Paper Products: $50